The congregation coordinates a free Bible study correspondence program through World Bible School, working with more than 25,000 students per year across the United States and throughout the world. This program provides high quality, totally bible-based lessons with teachers assigned to each student. These lessons are a work-at your-own-pace study program. The student has no obligation except to themselves, and no direct follow up will be made by church members unless requested by the student. This course of study is designed to help students come to an honest decision about their relationship with God. The study is based totally on the truth of God’s Holy Word, and shuns religious rules, customs and traditions of man that are so prevalent in the world today.
These lessons are available free-of-charge to any person who contacts the congregation here requesting to be enrolled in the bible study program. Please visit to request these lessons.
The spiritual hunger in each individual’s life cannot be satisfied short of a good knowledge and understanding of God’s Word, which is His will. Study and be ready to meet Him soon (Romans 10:17; II Timothy 3:15,16,17; John 8:32).